May is electrical safety month, so be sure to follow these electrical safety tips. Don’t simply copy Tim, the tool man. Instead, be careful and only do what you have the ability to do. If it is beyond your understanding, call a professional electrical contractor as it is simply not worth the risk.
1. Understand the electrical systems in your home
Knowledge is the key to staying safe. It is important to be aware of any faulty electrical items within your home. Secondly, if your home has any electrical problems make it a priority to correct them.
2. Never assume children know better
In a homes with children you have reason to be extra cautious. Teach kids under the age of ten the dangers of using electrical appliances. Don’t assume that they know not to stick silverware in a toaster or use electrical appliances around water.
3. Babies touch everything
All outlets should be protected with outlet covers to prevent little fingers from getting in. Take a trip to your local hardware store to find some innovative products that are perfect for this.
4. Make sure to tie up cords
Long open cords look attractive to toddlers which present two risks: strangling and playing with the plug. Children imitate what parents do, and they have seen how it works, don’t doubt that they will not try it themselves.
5. Watch out for puppies
Puppies are known for chewing on everything, and that includes cords. Don’t leave them unattended until you are comfortable that they know better. One bite into a cord could result in a deadly shock.
6. Limit extension cord use
Professionals in any home repair industry come across it all the time, a water heater or other appliance plugged in with extension cords. They are great, but shouldn’t be used permanently, especially for large appliances.
7. When working with electric make sure to shut it off at the mains
Your wife may be super excited you are finally installing that ceiling fan, but she won’t be if she needs to call an ambulance too. Shut off the electric first or better yet hire a professional.
8. Update older homes with GFCI’s
An important safety measure is to install ground fault circuit interpreters wherever there is a water source. You will typically find these in the kitchen and the bathroom. GFCI’s work to protect you if something should fall into the water by tripping the circuit. Luckily newer homes are already equipped, be sure to check of yours is.
9. Whole house fire alarms
Hard wired fire alarms are fantastic, but often result in someone shutting them off on occasion after a burnt dinner. Don’t forget to turn them back on!
10. Be aware of the wattage
Make sure you are aware of the wattage of each appliance and don’t plug in more than the outlet should handle.
Most importantly if you are unsure of what you are doing make sure to call an electrical professional, never put your safety at risk!
All Phase Electric
2340 Bruner Lane Suit 100
Fort Myers, FL 33912